Chinese Sentences and Phrases, Lesson 2

Hi all!

Let’s continue with today’s lesson, no. 2.

This lesson is a little more complicated, but only because of more wonderful things to learn. 🙂 We’ll be check out the numbers and days of the week! I’ll have some charming little videos at the end of the dialogue to help us out about these as well.

Let’s get started!
Thinking glasses on!


A: 你好!

Good day!

B: 你好!

Good day!

A: 你什么时候到广州的?

Nǐ shénme shíhou dào Guǎngzhōu de?
When did you arrive in Guangzhou?

B: 今天早上到的。请问,几号开学?

Jīntiān zǎoshang dào de. Qǐngwèn jǐ hào kāixué?
This morning. Excuse me, but may I ask on what date school starts?

A: 四月一日。

Sì yuè yī rì.
The 1st of April.

B: 上午几点上课?

Shàngwǔ jǐ diǎn shàngkè?
What time does the class being in the morning?

A: 八点。

Bā diǎn.

B: 几点下课?

Jǐ diǎn xiàkè?
What time does class end?

A: 十一点四十分。明天星期天,你好好休息吧。

Shíyī diǎn sìshí fēn. Míngtiān xīngqītiān, nǐ hǎohǎo xiūxi ba.
11:40. Tomorrow will be Sunday, have a good rest.

B: 谢谢。

Xiè xie.
Thank you.

So that’s the second lesson.

1. Chapter 2 sentence flashcards
2. Chapter 2, vocabulary hanzi and pinyin  
3. Chapter 2, vocabulary pinyin and English

Also, I haven’t forgotten the help for the numbers, days of the week and months! They’re all based on very basic numerical logic, so you’ll get the hang of them very easily with a bit of practice.

Check out these really cool little vids to help you out here. 🙂

And for the days of the week:

And, lastly, for the names of the months! 🙂 (I LOVE Sammi!! 🙂 XD)

So now you’ve got enough to practice lots and become super smart!

happy dance

And, as always, have fun learning!

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